Cross country mountain bike – no kick stand.
– The bike should have at least 10 gears, shift well, and have good brakes.
We would caution to stay away from department store bikes (ie: Target/Walmart) as they are very heavy and tend to break down causing stress on the rider and coaches.
-Helmet make sure it fits; not too big or small.
It is recommended helmets be replaced every 3 years
-Good athletic / tennis shoes with a good grip. – no open toe shoes or sandals
-Water Bottle that fits in a cage on the bike, or camelbak/backpack with hydration bladder
-Team Jersey *Required only for racing
– Glasses
Glasses with interchangeable lenses are ideal for racing however not a requirement.
Basic safety glasses with clear lenses work just fine
Sunglasses are ok (however they can make it harder to see in the woods when shadows get long)
Bike Gloves – highly recommended, short or long fingers are your preference
Bike Shorts – Athletic shorts work, however padded shorts / linings are recommended.
Cold Weather Gear – long underwear, skull cap, buff, light weight shedable layers for races and practices in late September and October as they have the potential to get chilly in the evenings.